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Reinventing health care.

At a Glance

CVS trusted Aquent Studios to help deliver dozens of new digital health experiences by providing a turnkey workforce solution that rapidly scaled its user experience, agile, content strategy, and product management teams.

Capabilities Engaged

  • Accessibility
  • Agile Practices
  • Content Strategy
  • Design Operations
  • Product Management
  • UX Research & Design

Project Overview


CVS Health is on a mission to deliver cost-effective, accessible, and easy health care, bringing together its medical, pharmacy, and retail capabilities and allowing members to get the care they need, where and when they need it. Core to that mission is delivering compelling digital health experiences that create more value for members and employers through personalized engagement, greater access to care, and reduced health plan costs while providing a better, more supportive experience overall.

CVS Health's plans were bogged down by traditional recruiting and hiring approaches that were slow to fill open positions and struggled to onboard product, UX, accessibility, and content resources. To meet aggressive timeframes, CVS needed a solution that would allow it to scale up new digital product teams quickly without straining its hiring managers and leads.


We consulted with CVS leadership and developed a plan that would meet their needs and challenges. In less than eight weeks, we mobilized and embedded a team of nine consisting of a Scrum Lead, Product Owners, UX Designers, UI Designers, Accessibility Specialists, and Content Strategists.

Woman holding pill bottle talking to medical professional holding an iPad

What We Did

UX Research & Design

Better digital health experiences

Launched dozens of new features, including a new Health Dashboard product and onboarding experience that far exceeded soft launch projections with 6M registrations in only a couple of months.


Inclusive design baked in

Consulted, coached, and guided accessibility and inclusive design practices across multiple digital product teams by providing research insights, A11y audits, team training, and integrated design reviews.

Agile Practices

Agile and UX working in harmony

Coached and trained the UX organization toward self-sufficient agile practices, planning, and adoption of Figma, Miro, and Rally. Quickly ramped up the team from 20% competency to 80% in weeks.

Design Operations

Better focus and speed

Synchronized planning and prioritization across multiple teams and work streams consisting of hundreds of Designers, Engineers, and Product Owners; dramatically improved velocity enabling UX to sprint ahead while minimizing and eliminating throwaway work.

Product Management

Accelerate time to market

By leveraging Aquent Studios, CVS Health stood up multiple product teams, integrated planning processes, and delivered dozens of new features in less than ten weeks, accelerating their transformation from the nation’s vaccinator to neighborhood primary care provider.

Plan for the future

Helped to develop a longer-term experience strategy and guidance for IT systems retooling that informs product roadmaps and addresses technical debt.

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